
Buy Templates and Premium WordPress Blocks in One Subscription

Simple Prices. Unlimited Usage.

  • Gutenix theme

    Gutenix theme is the basis of the subscription, allowing to edit templates, ensure responsiveness and fast loading speed. The access to the theme is not limited.

  • 5+ Starter sites

    You will get 5+ free multi-page starter site templates: 2 templates for Elementor, 1 template for Gutenberg, and 2 templates for Brizy builder.

  • Regular updates
  • Unlimited website usage

    All the products included in the Gutenix subscription are provided under GPL license. You will have no limits regarding the number of websites or domains on which to use Gutenix.

  • Regular support
$39 /year
  • Gutenix theme

    Gutenix theme is the basis of the subscription, allowing to edit templates, ensure responsiveness and fast loading speed. The access to the theme is not limited.

  • GutenixPro premium plugin

    Use GutenixPro plugin to get a yearly access to the extended Gutenix theme with more options and functionality, including editing the structure and layout of Blog and WooCommerce pages.

  • 47+ Starter sites

    You will get 47+ premium multi-page starter site templates: 10 templates for Elementor, 10 templates for Gutenberg, and 10 templates for Brizy builder. The access to the templates is provided for one year.

  • ZeGuten plugin for Gutenberg

    ZeGuten plugin is an addon for Gutenberg editor, which provides content and structure blocks that extend native WordPress editor. During one year the plugin will receive monthly updates with the new blocks.

  • Regular updates

    Every month during one year you’ll receive an update with 6 totally new multi-page starter site templates for different builders. The update will include the templates for Gutenberg, Elementor and Brizy.

  • Unlimited website usage

    All the products included in the Gutenix subscription are provided under GPL license. You will have no limits regarding the number of websites or domains on which to use Gutenix.

  • Priority support

    The plan includes one year of 24/7 support. The support team will help you with any questions concerning Gutenix subscription, ensuring everything works smoothly, in 24 hours. Please read the Support policy to learn more.

  • Gutenix theme

    Gutenix theme is the basis of the subscription, allowing to edit templates, ensure responsiveness and fast loading speed. The access to the theme is not limited.

  • GutenixPro premium plugin

    Use GutenixPro plugin to get a lifetime access to the extended Gutenix theme with more options and functionality, including editing the structure and layout of Blog and WooCommerce pages.

  • 47+ Starter sites

    You will get 47+ premium multi-page starter site templates: 10 templates for Elementor, 10 templates for Gutenberg, and 10 templates for Brizy builder. The access to the templates is provided for lifetime.

  • ZeGuten plugin for Gutenberg

    ZeGuten plugin is an addon for Gutenberg editor, which provides content and structure blocks that extend native WordPress editor. The plugin will continually receive monthly updates with the new blocks.

  • Regular updates

    Every month while your subscription is active you’ll receive an update with 6 totally new multi-page starter site templates for different builders. The update will include the templates for Gutenberg, Elementor and Brizy.

  • Unlimited website usage

    All the products included in the Gutenix subscription are provided under GPL license. You will have no limits regarding the number of websites or domains on which to use Gutenix.

  • Priority support

    The plan includes continual 24/7 support. The support team will help you with any questions concerning Gutenix subscription, ensuring everything works smoothly, in 24 hours. Please read the Support policy to learn more.

Pay the way it’s convenient for you

Check our detailed FAQ

Do products differ for Annual and Lifetime subscription plans?
No, the products in the Annual and |Lifetime subscriptions are the same. The only difference is that the Lifetime license plan allows you to use the products for unlimited time, and the Annual license expires in 1 year from the date of purchase.
Can I build client websites using Gutenix subscription products?
Yes, you can. You buy Gutenberg templates and WordPress blocks in Gutenix subscription all at once, and then you can use the products included in the subscription as well as the designs to build a website for your client.
Can I upgrade the Annual license plan to Lifetime?
Yes, you can do it from your Personal account any time. If your Annual subscription is active, you'll have to pay the difference between the Annual and Lifetime subscription plans to upgrade.
How will I receive updates?
To get updates and new products released in the subscription you need to open your website’s Dashboard and navigate to Gutenix tab. Here you’ll see the updates available as well as new plugins and templates.
How can I prolong the license?
The license prolongation is an automatic process unless you’ve unsubscribed. You don’t need to manually prolong it. The price for the license prolongation will be the same as when you’ve acquired the license plan. So, when you buy Gutenberg templates and ZeGuten WordPress blocks in one subscription, you don’t have to worry that the license will expire and leave you without the means to build websites in the middle of the process.
What happens after the subscription license expires or I cancel it?
After the subscription license expires, the templates you used to build websites will continue working as usual. However, you won’t be able to access the templates released after the expiration date, or any other new products that will be included in the subscription after the license has expired. You will stop receiving updates, other than the critical ones, that are necessary for the safety purposes.
What are the technical requirements?
To use Gutenix subscription make sure you have WordPress v.5.0 or higher. Check if the server’s memory limit is at least 256M. Use PHP 7 or higher version.
How can I become an affiliate?
Please check the Affiliate Program at Gutenix. You can earn 40% by promoting Gutenix at your site or YouTube channel.
On how many domains can I use Gutenix?
Gutenix subscription is provided under GPL v.3.0. This means, when you buy Gutenberg templates and ZeGuten WordPress blocks in one subscription, you are free to use it on any number of domains and websites as long as your license is active. There is no limitation in the number of websites or domains on which you can activate Gutenix license.
What if I need a refund?
Within the first 30 days, you can get a refund of the purchase on the condition that:
You have not yet downloaded the item;
The item does not function properly as described.
Before issuing the refund, you must first request a support ticket with the encountered issue, and we will do our best to solve it.

We do not consider a refund if the purchased product functions properly as described, or in cases when 1) you changed your mind after the purchase and decided to turn the item back; 2) you purchased the item accidentally; 3) your expectations were not fulfilled 4) you lack the skills to use the product;

Important: Please, make sure you download the product directly after the purchase. We do not refund for deleted or no longer supported products, which were not downloaded at the right time.
How can I report an issue with Gutenix?
Got any technical questions regarding the Gutenix products? You may contact the support team by submitting a ticket. We’ll assist you.
Is there White Label for Gutenix?
No, unfortunately, we don’t provide White Label for the products in the subscription.
Does Gutenix subscription work with third-party products?
Gutenix subscription has an integration with Mailchimp and Contact form 7. If there’s any third-party product you plan on using in your project, we can’t guarantee it will be compatible with Gutenix. Please contact us to ensure the compatibility in case it’s important for your project.
Can I use Gutenix subscription on a different theme?
The subscription can be used only with Gutenix theme, as some of the template parts rely on the styles set in the theme (e.g., headers and footers, Archive, etc.). However, the sections and blocks built with page builders can be applied to any theme that’s compatible with the builder you use.

ZeGuten plugin can be used with any Gutenberg-compatible theme. We strongly recommend to use the Gutenix theme to ensure every part of the subscription works flawlessly.

Get Gutenix Subscription

Create unlimited Gutenberg, Brizy and Elementor websites with dozens of templates, premium blocks and a lightweight theme — all in one toolkit!

Meet Gutenix, the devoted team of developers that stands behind many projects created with Elementor & Gutenberg. We're inspired by WordPress, and are always looking for an opportunity to make WordPress easier for everyone.
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