What Are WordPress Posts in Gutenberg and ZeGuten


I’m the SEO specialist at Webcodebuilder and ZEMEZ, companies that create templates powered by Gutenberg WordPress editor and Elementor page builder . We also have ZeGuten multipurpose plugin, which expands Gutenberg's possibilities.

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  • Apr 07, 2020
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What Are WordPress Posts in Gutenberg and ZeGuten

From this article, you will figure out what are WordPress posts in Gutenberg and ZeGuten. Recently WordPress has been updated to the 5.4 version. Among the wide diversity of new features, there has been one upgrade that we’d like to mention in our today’s article.

The Gutenberg Posts block is now available with multiple new properties. However, sometimes you may need some additional tools to expand the editor possibilities, i.e., various other free Gutenberg Post blocks, including Recent Posts, Post Carousel, Custom Post Type, and Post Slider Block. That is why we have prepared a comparison of the Gutenberg Posts block and similar block in the ZeGuten plugin.

How to Add and Edit the Gutenberg Posts Block

The process of inserting a Gutenberg Posts block is completely the same. Open the page, click on the “+” icon and choose the Posts block.

By default, posts in the Gutenberg block are showcased without an image, content, or metadata. At this stage, you can set the alignment of the posts in the block, enable full width or choose between listing and grid layouts.

add posts

In the Post content settings tab, you can enable to showcase an excerpt and set its width or display the whole post description. The Read more button is the default in case you choose to display an excerpt.

add content

You can also showcase the date of publishing in the Post met settings tab.

add meta

The Featured image settings tab of the Gutenberg Posts block is the key feature of the WordPress update. Here you can choose the image size, or set it yourself. Don’t forget about image alignment.

add image

Finally, in the Sorting and filtering tab of the Gutenberg Posts block, you can choose the posts order, set number of items and columns.

set the posts number

What are WordPress Posts in ZeGuten Plugin

The Posts Block of ZeGuten page builder is aimed to expand the possibilities of the classic WordPress editor. It has a bunch of properties gently gathered in the 8 settings tabs. However, in this article, we are only going to compare the features, that exist both in Zeguten and Gutenberg Posts block.

Firstly, let’s start with the layouts. Unlike the Gutenberg Posts block, ZeGuten provides you with the ability to choose from 5 layouts:

  • a classic listing;
  • a neat and modern grid;
  • an unusual chess layout;
  • the masonry for those who like experiments;
  • a dynamic carousel layout.

As for the query, you can showcase the posts with a certain ID. To find the ID, you need to go to the admin dashboard > “All Posts” and hover the needed post. At the bottom of the page, the ID will appear.

You can order ZeGuten posts by date or title, in the descending or ascending way. Right here you can also set the number of items and columns to showcase.

order posts

Below the ordering settings, you can fund a bunch of buttons to showcase different content. You can display post divider, date, categories, and tags. Enable an excerpt and set its size. Unlike the Gutenberg Posts block, here an excerpt can include any words you want.

Display post author or comment count. What is more, you can choose icons from the extensive Icon library.

add content and meta

In the Featured Image Settings tab, you can set image size, its order, or spacing. Moreover, margins and padding are also available.

image settings

Read more button can be disabled if you want. But if you display it, you can choose its position, width, an order, and spacing.

edit read more

Summing Up

If you want to build an engaging and attractive blog, ZeGuten will provide you with a bunch of extra tools:

  • set the spacing and font size for desktop, tablet and mobile phone;
  • after that, enable or disable Read more button;
  • the typography properties are available for any text content: choose a tag, set font size, color, font family, weight, subset and a lot more.
What are WordPress Posts

To sum up, the Guten Posts block has a number of properties, which is quite enough to build a classic neat blog page. However, ZeGuten has will be a real treasure for web developers.

Posts ZeGuten Block for Gutenberg
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