ZeGuten Animated box block for Gutenberg editor
Nowadays it is possible to create a powerful website with lots of attractive pages without even a touch of code. With the same goal was created ZeGuten block collection for Gutenberg editor. So today we are going to talk about the brand new animated box block that will help you to create an amazing flip…
WordPress countdown timer block by ZeGuten
What is the best way to inform your website visitors about upcoming events or offers? Of course, using the WordPress countdown timer widget by ZeGuten. This block will be a great assistant if you want to showcase how much time is left before your online webinar, live, sport event, seminar, sale period, etc. This countdown…
Add Map to WordPress with ZeGuten Plugin
Nowadays one of the most commonly used and highly demanded page elements is a Google map WordPress block. It can help people to find the way to your office or restaurant. Maps are widely used by taxi or tracking services to track the car or a purchase. Moreover, ZeGuten map block is suitable not only…
Banner ZeGuten block for Gutenberg
One of the main goals of holding the website is earning money. A lot of business owners create the website for promoting their services and the same is with bloggers. That is why you can often notice gaudy banner builder for WordPress with hot offers, sales, and others on the pages of their websites. Are…
WordPress Responsive Columns in ZeGuten Section Block
In this quick overview, we are going to talk about WordPress responsive columns in ZeGuten Section block. This block will allow you to build any webpage because it was made as the parent element for any other block. You are able to add a responsive column, shape background, or video background. With ZeGuten Section block,…